

Preset pressed black caviar is a superfood that heals and maintains the whole body, fills it with essential vitamins and minerals, bolsters immunity, protects it from harmful bacteria, conserves beauty and youth, improves vitality, relieves fatigue, ensures unforgettable sensations, and even helps cure serious diseases.
The composition of caviar is astounding. Sometimes pressed caviar is called a ‘vitamin bomb’. It is not even a bomb, though, but some kind of intergalactic napalm!
When the USSR was intensively exploring and developing the riches of the Arctic back in the 1930s, sending
polar explorers on scientific missions to drifting ice, the Institute of Public Catering Engineers worked
out a special diet for members of polar expeditions. People were supposed to live and work in inhuman
conditions, at extremely low temperatures, and therefore they relied on healthy, super-calorie and — most
importantly — light and compact foods. In addition to chocolate, butter, cheese, etc., ice conquerors
consumed such a delicacy as pressed caviar. Few residents of the USSR ever tasted it, but polar explorers
were entitled to it — and for a very good reason
The Russian word for pressed caviar — ‘payusnaya’ — comes from the word for the pouch in which fish
nurtures the roe. The fundamental differences between pressed caviar and fresh-grain caviar include the
method of preparation, density, and appearance. Preset pressed caviar is a branded product; therefore,
thorough quality control is exercised at each production phase. Fresh caviar is first kept in a warm salt
solution (usually referred to as ‘tuzluk’ brine), and then, when it is sufficiently salted, it is
dehydrated, as excess liquid is removed in steam-convection units at a temperature of 62 °C, so that
shrinkage loss reaches 35%. Then caviar is aged and fermented for nine days in sterile refrigeration units
at temperatures ranging from 0 °C to 2 °C. As a result, 100 grams of Preset pressed caviar contains 130 to
140 grams of natural fresh-grain caviar, while the flavor of the delicacy also becomes concentrated and
therefore more vivid than that of wild, natural caviar.
All dietary properties are fully preserved. Thanks to dehydration, Preset pressed caviar can be stored
much longer — and does not require preservatives. Fermentation, a mandatory production stage for Preset,
lends the product excellent digestibility.
a. Although black caviar has evolved as a traditional symbol of the aristocratic menu and the global
demand for it has been growing, many distributors and manufacturers still provide limited supplies. This
product belongs to the top price category — and for a reason. Sturgeons are not chicken; breeding them is
a long, expensive, and unpredictable process. In order to slash costs, some producers of pressed caviar
are ready to make it from crumpled, damaged, and sometimes not exactly fresh caviar, which is almost past
its expiry date. But, of course, you cannot have first-class pressed caviar from second-rate primary
product. Therefore, only fresh top-quality caviar with an intact egg shell is used to make Preset.
b. Flavor advantages compared with “raw” caviar Pressed caviar has a more intense flavor, with an extended
aftertaste showing a delicate nutty note that lasts up to five minutes. There are no foreign flavors,
because we always know what and how our sturgeons eat and closely monitor their diet. Our pressed caviar
does not smell of silt, mud, or fish. There is no way a manufacturer can guarantee that wild sturgeons
have had a happy trouble-free life in a pristine river or lake. The sturgeon is a bottom-dwelling fish,
and it is on the bottom, in the silt, that we find all the harmful substances and elements of human
c. Composition advantages compared with “raw” caviar
Since sturgeon caviar is currently produced as part of aquaculture using artificial feed, fat content in
such caviar is reduced by about 15%–20% compared with wild fish caviar. But pressed caviar, a concentrated
product with the same fat and protein content in a smaller volume, ensures a higher density of valuable
substances in the product. This mostly applies to fat, because it is in fat that Omega 3, 5, and 6 acids—
which are essential substances for humans — can be found. Pressed caviar is on par with “natural” caviar
in this respect. And some fans like our pressed caviar even more than its “wild” counterpart!
d. Application and storage advantages compared with “raw” caviar
Pressed caviar can be stored much longer than “raw” caviar (see expiration date on the package), without
losing its flavor. Furthermore, its stability is guaranteed: whenever you open a jar of Preset pressed
caviar, you can be sure that the product has been made in compliance with all standards, you will not be
heartbreakingly disappointed, because the caviar suddenly smells of sludge, or tastes funny altogether.
Besides, pressed caviar can and should be consumed without any special ceremonies and preparations: it is
quite dense — almost like cheese — and therefore neither crumbles nor gets dirty, it can be easily applied
as a topping to bread or any other foundation. Due to the exceptional caloric content of pressed caviar
and its incredible nutrient content, even a small canapé will both please and support your body.
Content of useful substances in Preset pressed caviar (per 100 g)

There are 30 grams of protein in 100 grams of pressed caviar. Protein requirement in humans is calculated
according to the simple formula — 0.5 gram per kilo of weight. A couple of teaspoons of Preset (you will
hardly notice them!) will be enough to meet almost a third of your daily protein needs! And thanks to
fermentation, caviar protein even helps insulin production, making it easier to control blood sugar
levels. It is hard to overestimate the role of protein in the human body, which is why it is so important
to consume high-protein products — and we proudly recommend Preset caviar as one of the best options.
Omega-3 fatty acids
There are approximately 11 grams of omega-3 fatty acids in 100 grams of pressed black caviar. A single
tablespoon (about 1.5 grams of omega-3) is a standard daily dose for an adult! Notably these valuable
fatty acids can only be consumed from external sources, for example, from our daily meals. The main
function of omega-3 is to improve immunity and balance metabolism.
Pressed caviar contains a whole package of vitamins: A, D, E, C, and B group. Vitamins support vital
activities. Scientists currently refer to vitamin D as “the most important vitamin”. Vitamin D content in
caviar is 8 micrograms per 100 grams of product, which constitutes almost 100% of the daily standard!
Vitamin D helps maintain healthy bones and teeth, boosts immunity, encourages brain function, and may even
have an impact on preventing serious diseases such as cancer. Vitamin D also helps absorb other important
minerals like calcium and phosphorus.
Pressed caviar contains large amounts of minerals. Calcium content is estimated at around 275 micrograms
per 100 grams of caviar. A couple of tablespoons a day will help maintain optimum calcium levels — and
this ensures healthy and robust bones, regulates blood pressure, and strengthens the nervous system.
For emotions
In addition to the sheer pleasure of eating genuine, legendary black caviar; in addition to enjoying its
flavor, its light, faint fragrance, and its wonderful creamy, nutty aftertaste, pressed caviar really
helps with depression and irritability, as it promotes dopamine production. Dopamine secretion in the
human body serves as a motivator: this hormone makes you do things that bring you closer to achieving what
you need, even if it takes a lot of effort.
Pressed caviar composition on the label looks very simple: 242 kcal, 30 g protein, 17 g fat, 0.8 g
carbohydrates, 0.2 g vitamins per 100 g. But not everything is indicated on the label.
Pressed caviar, just as regular black caviar, includes almost all micronutrients that the human body
requires. The nutrient composition of pressed caviar is so extensive and rich that if a human body lacks
some element, it would be absolutely safe to say: eat some pressed caviar. This advice is never wrong!

In cooking
Some insist that black caviar needs nothing but a thin piece of bread with an invisible slice of butter. A
hard-boiled egg is a great alternative. Others strongly disagree and will happily add it to every dish —
from bouillabaisse to ratatouille. Our firm belief is that freedom of will is given to man to enjoy
pressed caviar as they wish, without imposing their culinary views on their neighbor. It is enough to
share caviar with their neighbor.
But if you feel the urge to experiment, check out our recipes and videos on Tinder and Instagram.
Even during the manufacturing stage, when moisture is evaporated due to extended heat exposure, Preset
pressed caviar achieves maximum microbiological safety and therefore reliably ensures a long shelf life
without the use of preservatives. Our product contains exclusively caviar and salt. Not caviar, salt, and
a page-long list of thickeners, coloring substances, stabilizers, flavorings, etc.
Shelf life before opening the jar is one year. Once opened, the product should be stored within the
temperature range from 0 °C to +4 °C and consumed within one week.
Directions for use
Pressed caviar contains a whole package of vitamins: A, D, E, C, and B group. Vitamins support vital
activities. Scientists currently refer to vitamin D as “the most important vitamin”. Vitamin D content in
caviar is 8 micrograms per 100 grams of product, which constitutes almost 100% of the daily standard!
Vitamin D helps maintain healthy bones and teeth, boosts immunity, encourages brain function, and may even
have an impact on preventing serious diseases such as cancer. Vitamin D also helps absorb other important
minerals like calcium and phosphorus.
Pressed caviar is still considered an innovation in the market, despite the fact that people learned to process it this way a very long time ago. Well, quite often it turns out that everything new is well forgotten old. Despite high production costs, this season we decided to set equal prices for Preset pressed caviar and regular fresh-grain caviar — we are ready to go to great lengths to please our favorite loyal customers.