Our farm is located in Romania, 15 kilometers from the ancient town of Târgoviște, on the southern slopes of the Transylvanian Alps. Fish are bred in moving water in concrete pools. Pure water comes directly from the mountains. We are a vertically integrated company, so we raise our own sturgeons from eggs to mature fish. We also make our own feed using state-of-the-art equipment and proprietary technology. The main species we breed are the carp and Siberian sturgeon.
Pricing policy
Pressed caviar is still considered an innovation in the market, despite the fact that people learned to process it this way a very long time ago. Well, quite often it turns out that everything new is well forgotten old. Despite high production costs, this season we decided to set equal prices for Preset pressed caviar and regular fresh-grain caviar — we are ready to go to great lengths to please our favorite loyal customers.
Preset pressed black caviar is a superfood that heals and maintains the whole body, fills it with essential vitamins and minerals, bolsters immunity, protects it from harmful bacteria, conserves beauty and youth, improves vitality, relieves fatigue, ensures unforgettable sensations, and even helps cure serious diseases.
The composition of caviar is astounding. Sometimes pressed caviar is called a ‘vitamin bomb’. It is not even a bomb, though, but some kind of intergalactic napalm!